St Agnes was born at Gracciano, Italy, of a rich family in the year 1268. At the age of nine she entered the monastery of Montepulciano and at the age of fifteen by indult of the Supreme Pontiff made profession at the monastery of Viterbo, whose foundation she had actively promoted. After twenty-two years, at the entreaties of the people of Montepulciano, she returned there in 1306 to found a new monastery under the Rule of St Augustine. After a few years she placed this monastery under the direction of the Order of Preachers, being eager to seek evangelical perfection under the Dominican rule. Full of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Agnes was devoted to the Infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary, and she was a shining example of prayer and charity. She worked for civic peace and unity. She was regarded by St Catherine of Siena as her ‘glorious mother, in doctrine and in the example of her true humility’. Agnes died on 20 April 1317 and Benedict XIII canonised her on 10 December 1726. Today, 20 April is her feast day, and this stained glass window is from St Mary's, New Haven (CT). My sermon for today can be read here.
Link da imagem: https://ift.tt/33eywwm
Fonte: Lawrence OP https://flic.kr/p/sdLsZt
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