"Albertus Magnus, also known as Albert the Great, was one of the most universal thinkers to appear during the Middle Ages. Even more so than his most famous student, St. Thomas of Aquinas, Albert's interests ranged from natural science all the way to theology. He made contributions to logic, psychology, metaphysics, meteorology, mineralogy, and zoology. He was an avid commentator on nearly all the great authorities read during the 13th Century. He was deeply involved in an attempt to understand the import of the thought of Aristotle in some orderly fashion that was distinct from the Arab commentators who had incorporated their own ideas into the study of Aristotle. Yet he was not averse to using some of the outstanding Arab philosophers in developing his own ideas in philosophy. His superior understanding of a diversity of philosophical texts allowed him to construct one of the most remarkable syntheses in medieval culture." - from the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. St Albert, a Dominican friar and bishop of Regensburg is a doctor of the Church. His feast is 15 November and this window is in the apse of St Dominic's priory church in London. He is patron saint of the natural sciences.
Link da imagem: https://ift.tt/2NkjMH0
Fonte: Lawrence OP https://flic.kr/p/5BJ5b8
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