St Augustine sailing to England

Believed to have been a pupil of Felix, bishop of Messana, Augustine became a Benedictine monk and was elected Prior of St Andrew's, a monastery founded by Pope St Gregory in Rome. Pope St Gregory sent St Augustine to lead a party of around 30 monks to evangelise the Angles in England. They successfully landed at Ebbsfleet in 597. Received cautiously by the King of Kent, Ethelbert, St Augustine managed to establish a community of monks based first at St Martin's church in Canterbury, and they later moved to the site of the present Cathedral in that city. St Augustine died on 26th May, c.604-609. He was buried at what is now called St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury. Today, 27th May is his feast day. This stained glass window of the saint is in the Venerable English College in Rome.

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Fonte: Lawrence OP

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