Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2019

Como fazer terço - Aprenda a fazer terço de corda ou terço de metal

St Stephen the Protomartyr


Flight into Egypt

Jesus Cristo cai carregado a Cruz

The Holy Family of Nazareth

The Long-Desired of the Nations

Christus Natus Est!

Shepherds come to the Shepherd King

St John the Baptist as a Boy

St John the Baptist with his parents

His name is John

Zechariah & the angel

An Angel appears to Zechariah

O Adonai

Paixão de Jesus Cristo, Ecce Homo

Mater Dei

Saint Lucy

The Immaculate Conception

Trampling the Serpent

St Ambrose of Milan

Saint Barbara

Martyrdom of Saint Andrew

St Andrew the First-Called

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